Protect New Mexico

Your source for environmental information at the NM legislature

About Issue Pages

To help you learn about the measures related to issues that you care about, each measure that is introduced will be assigned to one or more environmental issue categories.  You can explore the issues at stake this legislative session by clicking on the issue links on the “Issue ” page.  You can also toggle between various issues by hovering your mouse pointer over the”Issue” tab on the homepage menu, and selecting the issue that interests you.

Once on the issue page, you will see a brief description of the issue as well as an explanation of how policies were categorized within that issue group.  Below the description, you will see a field titled “Related Bills.”  This field is populated with all policies that have been assigned to that specific issue, allowing you to easily view, sort, and learn more about policies that impact issues you care most about.

Note: We understand that issue area assignments can be a subjective assessment, and we work to be as generous as possible in assigning issue areas – which means that many measures might be assigned to multiple issue categories.

For more information:

About the “Calendar”

About “Committees”

About the Glossary

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